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Blockchain in Social networking

  • admin
  • Mar 13, 2021
  • 0 comment(s)

Social networking has transformed all our lives so much, right from business engagements to personal chitchats, it has united people in the virtual world. It is even known to be a promoter of several worldly events. But one thing that cannot be ignored is the fact that it is controlled by one single authority and they have all the access to our data. Although these data are used for the purpose of targeted advertising and marketing, it is highly a breach of privacy. 

Blockchain technology has been widely applied and its features such as decentralisation of authority make it highly trusted and reliable technology compared to the existing digital technologies. Incorporating blockchain technology in social networking can open a wider prospect for a safer way of connecting with people. As the social networking sites would be approved by multiple nodes across the world, there will be no issues related to breach of ethics or privacy and anyone can always verify. 

Linkwell systems is ready with a complete pack of blockchain-based social network development. If you are in a plan to hire a blockchain developer to create one such trustable social networking site, we would love to go ahead with our team to help you out. Another main reason why blockchain based social media can be very effective is the fact that there is zero possibility to create fake profiles and content as everything undergoes verification by the nodes, in return to which the data miners are paid in cryptocurrencies. This allows another way to earn money as well. Another possibility is crypto-collectable games, which many people are willing to use already. Basically, games that make users earn virtual credits will be converted to cryptocurrencies which will motivate the users to stay active and earn more. This can be an interesting platform and gives the users a whole new experience. 

There is a say that when you don’t pay for any product you get, probably you are the product. This is true because when we are given unquestioned access to various areas, we are being used in return, to be exact, our personal data is being collected and sold for the purpose of propaganda or marketing, to avoid all of these, blockchain undoubtedly stands to be the better alternative. To know more about how you can contribute to this disruptive social networking idea, get in touch with Linkwell systems and start your blockchain based social networking service right away.

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